above the fold - перевод на русский
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above the fold - перевод на русский

Above the scroll; Above-the-fold; Above the Fold; Under the crease; Below the fold; Below the scroll
  • [[Headline]] from [[December 7, 1941]] above the fold

above the fold         
2007 FILM
Above The Fold; Above the Fold (documentary); Above the Fold (film); Below the Fold (film)
верхняя половина полосы (газеты)
  • The [[Khoisan]] and some other African groups have a high frequency of the epicanthic fold.
  • This image highlights the epicanthic folds in a person of East Asian descent.
  • alt=
Epicanthus; Epicanthic folds; Epicanthic eyefold; Epicanthal eyefold; Eyefold; Oriental pit; Epicanthic skin fold; Epicanthal folds; Mongoloid fold; External epicanthic fold; Inner epicanthus; Internal epicanthic fold; Epicanthal fold; Epicanthic eyes; Carundle epicanthus; Plica palpebronasalis; Palpebronasal fold; Mongolian eye fold; Chinese eyes; Slanted eyes; Eye fold; Slanty eyes; Oriental eyes; Korean eyes; Japanese eyes; Epicanthus inversus; Chinky eyes



epicanthal fold         
  • The [[Khoisan]] and some other African groups have a high frequency of the epicanthic fold.
  • This image highlights the epicanthic folds in a person of East Asian descent.
  • alt=
Epicanthus; Epicanthic folds; Epicanthic eyefold; Epicanthal eyefold; Eyefold; Oriental pit; Epicanthic skin fold; Epicanthal folds; Mongoloid fold; External epicanthic fold; Inner epicanthus; Internal epicanthic fold; Epicanthal fold; Epicanthic eyes; Carundle epicanthus; Plica palpebronasalis; Palpebronasal fold; Mongolian eye fold; Chinese eyes; Slanted eyes; Eye fold; Slanty eyes; Oriental eyes; Korean eyes; Japanese eyes; Epicanthus inversus; Chinky eyes

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Эдуард Исповедник
(Edward the Confessor)

(ок. 1003, Айслип, Оксфордшир,-5.1.1066, Лондон), англосаксонский король с 1042. Был избран на престол на совете знати, стремившейся восстановить в его лице древнюю англосаксонскую династию и ликвидировать датское господство в стране. Э. И., долго живший на континенте, прибыл в Англию в сопровождении многочисленной свиты нормандских феодалов, которые вскоре заняли ключевые позиции при дворе. Недовольство засильем нормандцев вылилось в 1051 в восстание, которое возглавил тесть Э. И. Годвин Уэссексский; восставшие добились изгнания нормандцев из Англии. Управление государством фактически перешло к Годвину (ум. 1053) и его сыну Гарольду, которому Э. И. завещал престол.


Above the fold

Above the fold is the upper half of the front page of a newspaper or tabloid where an important news story or photograph is often located. Papers are often displayed to customers folded so that only the top half of the front page is visible. Thus, an item that is "above the fold" may be one that the editors feel will entice people to buy the paper. Alternatively, it reflects a decision, on the part of the editors, that the article is one of the day's most important. By extension, the space above the fold is also preferred by advertisers, since it is the most prominent and visible even when the newspaper is on stands.

The term can be used more generally to refer to anything that is prominently displayed or of highest priority. Above the fold is sometimes used in web development to refer the portions of a webpage that are visible without further scrolling or clicking. In contrast, portions available via clickthrough are sometimes described as "after the jump".

Примеры произношения для above the fold
1. Front page, above the fold.
Cornel West and Tavis Smiley _ Talks at Google
2. would go above the fold.
Walkaway _ Cory Doctorow _ Talks at Google
3. the first two paragraphs because they're all above the fold.
Social Selling _ Catherine Kaputa _ Talks at Google
4. It's not above the fold, but it's still pretty good.
Entrepreneurial You _ Dorie Clark _ Talks at Google
5. It's, as we say in the business, it's above the fold,
The Media & Political Coverage _ Joanne Lipman _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для above the fold
1. Wednesday‘s Giornale di Sicilia headlined its editions "Here is Provenzano: Captured after 43 years, he was in Corleone." The story was above the fold; the outcome of Italy‘s parliamentary elections was underneath.
2. Seeking to brighten the mood, China Daily, the state–run English–language newspaper, ran a hopeful headline July 16: "Opening ceremony could be rain–free." The story was above–the–fold news because the chance of showers during the show had dropped since the previous story –– from close to 50 percent down to 41 percent.
3. In a recent speech, Al Hubbard, chairman of the National Economic Council, predicted Bush will generate headlines above the fold that will knock your socks off in terms of our commitment to energy independence.‘‘ The hint was that Bush, who exclaimed in his 2006 State of the Union address that America is addicted to oil,‘‘ is ready to pump more tax dollars into finding alternative sources of energy and developing domestic production of oil.